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CEA booth at EUROoCS conference in Milan

​​​​​​​​​​​​Organoids-on-chip feature on the CEA booth (IRIG and LETI) and in lectures by researchers at the EUROoCS conference in Milan (European Organ and Organoids on Chip Society) from 3rd to 5th of July 2024.​

Published on 11 July 2024

The EUROoCS-​2024 Conference is a scientific meeting fostering worldwide delegates active in the field of organs-on-chip. EUROoCS2024 showcased the latest scientific advances in the field and favoured discussions on technological, industrial and regulatory challenges/opportunities. IRIG presented its latest scientific advances, with posters and oral presentations.​​
Since 2017, IRIG and CEA-Leti have been collaborating in a program on organs and organoids-on-chip. The EUROoCS-​2024 Conference is an opportunity to present the latest major technological advances. Organoids represent a new approach to developing personalized medicine, regenerative medicine and pharmacological research. Teams from IRIG and CEA-Leti have developed an innovative microfluidic platform that provides organoids with vascularization to promote their maturation in vitro.​​
This technology represents a significant advance and offers an alternative to animal experimentation.​​
Moreover the MED-OOC PEPR Research Program was presented on the booth too. The program co-directed by teams from IRIG, CNRS and INSERM​ focuses on the innovative field of organs and organoids-on-​chip (OoC) for the development of personalized medicine.​​

Organoid is an assembly of self-organizing 3D cells capable of partially mimicking different physiological characteristics of an organ or tissue. The suffix "oid" means "resembling". An organoid is an in vitro human model.

Image 1: an organoid in a microfluidic chip (credit CEA).​

Photo 2: CEA booth at EurOoCS-​2024 (credit CEA).

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